W.A.G.S. Member Spotlight – Kristin

W.A.G.S. (Women’s Annual Giving Society) Members contribute their time, treasure, and talent to support our homeless pets and wildlife here at SPCA Tampa Bay.


June W.A.G.S. Spotlight feature, Kristin Carson.


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your pet(s):

“I am a lover of travel in all ways and own a small RV for my travels throughout the USA.  I have 3 rescue Chihuahuas (Subi-Doo, Spencer & Soleil) but only one is a lover of travel and that is Soleil (who I named after a friend I met on a solo travel to Ecuador & who passed away in 2020).” 

Subi-Doo, Spencer and Soleil, Kristin’s rescue Chihuahuas.


“I take Soleil with me when I can and hope to take her on one of my upcoming missions to help a shelter in Honduras, Jaspers Utila Animal Shelter.  We will be taking supplies, medical equipment, medications for the shelter dogs. Honduras is without a mail system. Everything has to be freighted on boats and that can be very expensive ($120 for 3lb box for example).

I have been collecting supplies for several months and will deliver personally via airplane and then the final part via a ferry that takes you to the island. There will be 3 trips in 6 months starting in August.  While I am in Honduras I will help the shelter by walking dogs, cleaning doggie areas and assisting with nail trims & such.”  


Supplies being delivered on trip to Honduras. 


Tell us more about your business, ByByPoo, and how folks can learn more about it!

Bybypoo helps residential & commercial locations stay on top of pet waste clean up. Not cleaning up dog waste adds harmful bacteria and nutrients to our waterways through storm water runoff and contributes to algae growth and Red Tide. That adds up to big problems for water quality, marine life and human health

Think of it as another service to make life easier. Just like a housekeeper, dog walker or groomer we offer a valuable service so clients can do other things with their time.  

We offer pet waste station service to commercial locations so businesses can allocate maintenance employees to taking care of more important concerns.” 



What’s your favorite pet friendly place to go or activity at home to do with your pet?

“To be honest, my backyard is my favorite place to be with my dogs. I like throwing their stuffed animals for them to bring back both indoors and outside.  

We are members of the Chihuahuas of the Tampa Bay Area! A great group raising money for shelters while raising awareness about Chihuahuas and misplaced stereotypes through socializing with their beloved pets at local businesses. That is probably our favorite thing to do.”  



“The dogs absolutely love Bark Box day who Bybypoo partners with as a brand ambassador. It’s so adorable to watch them open the box and choose their toy.   

Since all 3 are a bit unruly in public places we shy away from that mostly but prefer to take 1 dog at a time to state parks to walk trails when it’s not populated. ” 


 What inspired you to join WAGS?

“That came about through our application to the City of St Pete’s Mayors PAWS program.  Laurie Elmer from Urban Dog Studio sent an intro email and I set up an appointment to come see [SPCA Tampa Bay].  

When I visited the SPCA website I found WAGS. I asked about it during my tour and that’s where the idea to join started. On the tour I absolutely loved seeing what you’re doing with the animals that need help. The wildlife section was a surprise and the size of the complex was too.  I felt like we (Bybypoo) may be able to help somehow.”


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About the Author: Camille Harkenrider, SPCA Tampa Bay’s Shelter Content Creator, works to bring the stories of our shelter to life with captivating messaging and images. She currently lives in the Tampa Bay area with her husband, four cats, two rabbits, and many fish.