W.A.G.S Member Spotlight – Deborah Duffey

W.A.G.S. (Women’s Annual Giving Society) Members contribute their time, treasure, and talent to support our homeless pets and wildlife here at SPCA Tampa Bay.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your pet(s)
“I have lived in Tampa Bay for 29 years, 23 of which have been in beautiful Safety Harbor. I am a mom to two daughters, Alexis and Ashlynn both USF graduates (Go Bulls!), a wife, pet parent and a business leader. My children grew up with three dogs, two cats, two horses and a tarantula and without living on a farm. All but the horses are rescues, as that was how I was raised; rescuing and collecting pets. When I am not working, which is rare, I recharge by spending quite time dog-walking, gardening, and working out.”
Deborah and her canine companion, Indi.
Tell us more about Dermazone Solutions and where folks can learn more about it!
“Dermazone was founded in 2001 by me and my partner Joe Schuchert. Dermazone is a product development and manufacturing company servicing Rx and medical aesthetic brand owners. Dermazone is also a leader in delivery system technologies. We have 13 patents around our tech which creates fast-performing formulas for skincare, animal health, nutraceuticals, and functional beverages. Innovation and new IP consumes much of our research and development allocation. We also have our own brand Kara Vita, an anti-aging skincare line which leverages our nanotech for fast results.”
What’s your favorite pet friendly place to go or activity to do with your pet?
“We live within walking distance to Philippe Park and the marina at Safety Harbor. Both are great places to walk in the woods and on the small beach areas, or sit on a blanket and harbor watch.”
What inspired you to join W.A.G.S.?
“In the past, I have donated and fundraised for several local animal welfare non-profits, all of whom fill an important mission. But, it can be difficult to feel part of a mission with a limited connection. WAGS however is different. It is a woman’s only society requiring a membership donation. WAGS provides a girlfriend group, who all share the love of animals, along with many pet parents, who share the same passion for their furry kids. And, with a mission to support SPCA Tampa Bay through a variety of events and fundraising activities. WAGS aligns like-minded women who engage with one another throughout the year, with a common purpose.”
About the Author: Camille Harkenrider, SPCA Tampa Bay’s Shelter Content Creator, works to bring the stories of our shelter to life with captivating messaging and images. She currently lives in the Tampa Bay area with her husband, four cats, two rabbits, and many fish.