SPCA Tampa Bay To Be New Home For Iguanas

Late 2019, SPCA Tampa Bay plans to be the new home to 20+ iguanas. 

 Gulf Coast Iguana Sanctuary needed a new housing location for their iguanas. Since SPCA Tampa Bay is a For-All shelter with a little extra land to spare, it was decided they would live here! A new enclosure entered the planning phase since we received the news.

In mid-January our staff received their first iguana care training and went over what to expect with a large group of cohabitating iguanas, the best foods and treats and the safest handling techniques.

February 2020 approaches and SPCA Tampa Bay expects the iguanas to arrive any day! It will take several weeks for our new friends to adjust to the big change. After they settle in, we will be inviting the public to take a peek at our large beautiful, scaly friends!

Stay tuned for more details and an official exhibit open date!