Michelle Fones’ Humanimality Story – Mental Health Awareness Month
by Michelle Fones
We adopted Coco from SPCA Tampa Bay in February 2021. A few months later he became my registered Emotional Support Animal and he follows me everywhere. I have anxiety and panic disorder and Coco provides a distraction when I need it (usually through play as he always wants to play). He has had a great positive impact on my mental health and I regularly discuss with my therapist ways to incorporate my life with Coco into my care plan. Coco can detect anxiety and will sometimes bring me his favorite toy when he sees it happening. Watching Coco enjoy a treat or play with his toys also helps me practice mindfulness and being in the present moment.
About a year later, our elderly cat passed away and we adopted Miso (Siamese cat) from the Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center. I wasn’t planning for Miso to also provide emotional support, but she does in so many ways! Miso is a very calm cat who loves being close to people. Where Coco provides more of a distraction from panic attacks, Miso runs straight to me when I’m having an episode and climbs into my lap. She is so attuned to my panic attacks and how to comfort a human through them that I have wondered if she was a support animal for her previous owner. Miso offers deep pressure therapy by sitting on my lap or laying on me, having a similar effect to a weighted blanket. Miso will often “make bread” while sitting on my lap, which also helps provide comfort. Her purrs help me regulate my own breathing and she is regularly incorporated into my therapy as a coping tool- in a moment of panic, picking up Miso and hugging her can often eliminate the panic attack entirely. Miso loves being held and wraps her arms around my neck (we call her a sloth when she does this).
Coco and Miso each provide comfort in their own way and I am extremely grateful for them. The two are also now bonded and regularly sit on the couch together or come to the rescue together when I need them! They are lounging with me right now as I type this.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
SPCA Tampa Bay is looking for more local Humanimality stories to highlight during Mental Health Awareness Month in May. If you have a story about how animals have impacted your mental health and you’d like to share, please email SPCA Tampa Bay at mentalhealth@spcatampabay.org.