We usually save resolutions for the New Year but this October, why not re-commit to walking your dog? The weather is just starting to cool down here in Florida. Cooler mornings can provide a fresh start to your day and everyone benefits from getting outside.
A rare and happy ending for one bearded dragon. Many people aren’t aware that SPCA Tampa Bay takes in reptiles, rabbits, birds and livestock that are found in the community, and neither did Todd’s owner.
Largo, Fla.—SPCA Tampa Bay received 30 homeless dogs from Louisiana SPCA on Monday, August 31. The ASPCA Relocation team transported the dogs from the Louisiana SPCA in New Orleans to make room for animals displaced by Hurricane Laura. The dogs will be made available for adoption at SPCA Tampa Bay as early as Wednesday.
We could tell that Jax was a good, sweet boy- but he needed help with his socialization skills. He was very timid and seemed nervous of the loud barking in kennels. After arriving at SPCA Tampa Bay, Jax spent one week in foster care with our volunteer Tony.
Our pets are part of our family and we worry about what will happen to them if we are no longer able to care for them. As many as 500,000 pets are surrendered to shelters each year because their owners didn’t make plans for their care. Many people are now taking the opportunity to revisit their legal filings and safeguards for their pets.